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Family Communion 21st November 2021

Hear Revd. Christopher give the message from John 18:33-37 Christ the King


Communion service 7th November 20211

The 10:00am service 7th November- "The Greatest Commandment" - Mark 12:28-34
Under current regulations this will be a Vaccinated only service - QR check-in, vacc. certificate sighted and masks indoor.

Family service 31st October

John 4: 1-30 - Christopher Garcia - What does it mean to engage with our neighbour?

Communion service 24thOctober

This will be the first service from Christopher Garcia after his Commissioning on the 19th. His message  is "We are here to engage"


Family service 17th October

Sundays live stream service at 10:00am - "What does it mean to care and nurture each others faith? - Colossians 3:12-17