Join us at 10:00 am Sunday 12th April for this special day
Join us at 10:00 am Sunday 12th April for this special day
As with any large organisation, we have specific requirements and responsibilities regarding Child Safety and Risk Management (OHS/WorkCover) when events are either held on our property or run as functions or events associated with St. Luke's off the property.
This includes such things as (but not restricted to) play groups, excursions with designated ministries (i.e. youth), running events such as a fete or car boot sale or in some cases, hiring of the premises.
There is a requirement that due consideration being given to things such as a risk management plan being undertaken, permission to proceed approval is applied for and given and there is an understanding/knowledge and compliance with our Child Safety Policy.
In order to assist in the safe management of an event or activity, a number of documents have been developed and processes put into place to ensure that due consideration of risks and approvals has been undertaken. The documents can either be accessed through the links below or via the files below.
Step 1 is to contact the Church Office to book in your date.
Step 2 is to complete an Application to Proceed - a .pdf form that can be completed and either emailed or printed and returned to the Church Office.
Step 3 is completion of a Risk Management Template which is returned with your Application to Proceed. There is a helpful document attached which will assist you in completing this template (Areas to Consider for a Risk Management Plan).
Step 4 is to read the St. Luke's Child Safe policy.
Once your application to Proceed and Risk Management Template has been received at the Church Office, it will be reviewed by Parish Council and you will then be notified if approval has been granted or not. This may mean that short time frame applications cannot proceed.
There are a number of small groups running at St. Luke's and hopefully you will find something that suits you. Contact the person running the group, or phone Edith Bryant: 0405345558
Craft Group
Meets on the last Saturday of the month at 4 pm at the Church, contact Chis Appleby on 0410342787 for more information.
Young Adults small group
Meets on a Tuesday at 7.30pm - Contact Michael Hancock on 0448 714 277 for more information.
Triple C Group
Would you like to grow in your christian faith?
Would you like to connect with others?
How about initiating a Triple C group?
A Triple C group is a cluster of three people who coach one another in their faith and who are committed to each other by meeting weekly or biweekly for an hour. Meetings are arranged according to suitability.
Trust, and confidentiality is essential whilst sharing openly. Gods word and the application thereof in your life is a major element of discussion.
Any questions?
Phone Edith Bryant : 0405345558
Emerald Group
Running Wednesday night at 7:30pm,
Contact Francine Davy on 0434571226
Cockatoo Small Group
Runs on a Wednesday night starting at 7:30 pm.
Contact Sue Wales - 0407365711
Youth Small Group
Meeting on alternate Sundays during Church time - Contact Caleb Lobbe on 0457265218
Cockatoo Small Group
Runs every second Sunday after Church (including lunch), contact Edith 0405345558