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Family service 12 Feb 2023 - Accepting one another


Communion service 5th February

Welcome to our communion service 5th February starting at 10:00am. "A Growing and Attractive Church Community - Welcoming" is our message delivered by Ken Holt






Communion service 5th February

Welcome to our communion service 5th February starting at 10:00am. "A Growing and Attractive Church Community - Welcoming" is our message delivered by Ken Holt






Family service 29 January

Welcome to our family service starting at 10:00am. "How and Why do I read the Bible" - This is episode 6 of the Alpha Course which Ken will introduce - reading Psalm 19/Matthew 7:24-29


Family Communion 15th January 2023

Sunday 15th January Communion service - Who Is Jesus? - part two of the Alpha Course introduction - join us or follow the live stream