Desperate for God!!? Psalm 42 with Ken Holt at 10:00 am
Desperate for God!!? Psalm 42 with Ken Holt at 10:00 am
Overconfident...Overwhelmed...Overjoyed -..Psalm 30 - Ken Holt
Hi all,
Hope you're coping well with the changing nature of COVID restrictions.
Again, if you are in need of any assistance or prayer during these challenging times, please do contact me at or 0419 248 724.
Please do keep praying for those around you and especially those in our Church Family that the Lord places upon your heart. And keep reaching out and encouraging one another.
This week's Article (printed with permission from for your encouragement is : ' 10 Best Quotes from Billy Graham ...'.
Finally do remember...Jesus the Good Shepherd meets you at every point of need you have in your life and IS himself everything you ever need.
Many blessings
Ken Holt delivering the message from Psalm 23 - Shepherd in life, in death, forever!